Have your say

Tell us about your thoughts and experience with your current banking service provider by joining a focus group or doing our online survey.

You can:

  • Register to join a focus group. All attendees get a $50 Prezzy Card in recognition of their time.

  • Or, complete the online survey for a chance to win a $50 Prezzy Card!

Got some minutes to spare? Take our online survey.

Tell us your thoughts and experience with your current banking provider by taking our quick online survey. It takes just 6 to 8 minutes, and completing the survey will put you in the draw to win one of four $50 Prezzy Cards. Terms and conditions below.

Be part of the conversation. Register to join our focus groups sessions.

Sharing your thoughts and opinions will help us gain valuable insights. By registering your interest, you are placed in the draw to win one of four $50 Prezzy Cards.

We will confirm your attendance and upon completion of the session, you get a $50 Prezzy Card in recognition of your time.

Find out more

  • Publik is a full-service PR, communications and marketing agency based in Whakatū Nelson that services Aotearoa. Learn more about who we are and what we do on our About Us page. You can also view our website privacy policy in our footer.

  • You can enter the draw to win one of four $50 Prezzy Cards by registering for one of our focus group sessions on the banking sector or by completing our short online survey.

    Everyone who attends a focus group session will automatically gain an additional entry into the draw and get a $50 Prezzy Card in recognition for your time.

    If you complete an online survey, you must provide your full name and a valid email address or phone number to finalise your entry. You can still complete the survey and provide feedback anonymously, but will not be entered into the draw.

    Read more on our Terms and Conditions page.

  • The focus groups are being held in Whakatū Nelson and Richmond. All focus group sessions will be a hybrid in-person/online format, so you will have the option to join online even if you cannot attend in person.

  • To participate in a focus group, you will need to provide your full name and a valid email address or phone number to Publik Agency through the registration form.

    This information will be used for contact and scheduling purposes and can be provided by completing the form above.

    Publik Agency will be the only recipient of this information, and the data will be deleted after the focus groups are completed.

    Your feedback in these sessions will be kept anonymous and your privacy protected throughout.

    The online survey can be completed anonymously unless you wish to enter the draw for one of the four $50 Prezzy Cards, in this case, you will need to provide your full name and a valid email address or phone number.

    Read more on our Terms and Conditions page. We also have a link to our privacy policy in the footer of our website.

  • Focus groups will be held with approximately six to ten other people and two Publik Agency researchers.

    Sessions will be recorded, transcribed and kept confidential, with no identifying information – all audio files will be deleted post-transcription. A copy of Publik Agency’s Data Governance Policy is available on request.

    Survey findings will be shared with no identifying information or content with our client in the banking sector.

    These sessions will be relaxed and safe places to share information about your banking experiences and what you value, amongst other questions. We will run through questions that cover the following topics:

    1. Why you choose your banking provider

    2. What you like / dislike about your banking provider

    3. How your banking provider is different to others

    4. How you perceive your banking provider

    5. Awareness of other banking providers

    6. What your future needs may be from your banking provider

    As part of your session, we may ask you questions about your hobbies and the time you have spent in the region you are from.

    At no point are you required to answer any questions you wish not to.

    We will not be sharing the specific questions prior to the commencement of the focus groups.